Department Profile -


Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce was established in the year 1976 with a vision of empowerment and enlightenment of women in the light of wisdom. The Department is committed to the promotion of quality education to enhance the intellectual level of the students and develop their cognitive and interpersonal skills to make them competent for meeting challenges of the modern world.

The department provides resources and opportunities to develop Entrepreneurial, Managerial And Communication Skills Among Students Through Trade Fair, Leadership Training, Entrepreneurship Training, Employability Skill Development Workshops, English Speaking and Personality Development Programmes. The students learn valuable skills through teamwork, co-curricular activities, seminars, workshops, industrial visits, presentations, surveys, use of ICT.

Educational Visits to Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Times of India, American Consulate Library, etc. are organized regularly for students to expand their knowledge and gain practical inputs through industry interaction.

The Department organizes awareness programmes in collaboration with Government organizations and NGOs to sensitize the students on environmental and social issues. Tree Plantations, Nature Trails, Cleanliness Drive Programmes, Disaster Management Training, Health and Hygiene Programmes, Rallies, Literacy Programmes, Surveys, etc. are conducted throughout the year.