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College Development Committee

As per the Maharashtra Public Universities Act 2016, Section 97, the members of the College

SR No Name of the Committee Member Designation
1 Chairperson of the management or his nominee ex-officio Chairperson Shri .Sushil Vyas, Advocate President Marwadi Sammelan
2 Secretary of the management or his nominee Shri Suresh Deora Secretary Marwadi Sammelan
3 Principal of the college or head of the institution Dr.Santosh Kaul Kak Principal
4 Three teachers in the college or recognized institution, elected by the full-time amongst themselves out of whom atleast one shall be woman
Ms Shruti Ranade Teachers
Dr. Sunita Mishra Teachers
Dr.Hemlata Masiwal Teachers
5 Four local members, nominated by the management in consultation with the principal, from the fields of education, industry, research and social service of whom at least one shall be alumnus
Shri Kailash Kejariwal Social Service Field
Shri K G Saraf Industry
Prof K Venkataramani Research
Ms Bina Thakkar Education and Alumni
6 Co-ordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Committee of the college Dr.Renukadevi Jena Co-Ordinator IQAC
7 One head of department, to be nominated by the principal or the head of the institution Dr.Nooruzia Qazi Head of department
8 One non-teaching employee, elected by the regular non-teaching staff from amongst themselves Shri Sandip Kadam Non-teaching employee
9 President and Secretary of the College Students' Council
Ms Shivani Jain (B.A.-III) President of the Student Council
Ms Priya Parmar(B.Com-III) Secretary of the Student Council