The NSS Motto ‘Not Me But You’, reflects the spirit of self-less service. The NSS symbol, based on
the Wheel of the Konark Sun Temple is embossed on the NSS badge. The symbol stands for continuity as well as change and implies continuous striving for social development. The NSS objective is to develop among the volunteers
a sense of social and civic responsibility, gain communicative skills in mobilizing community participation, acquire leadership qualities, and develop the overall personality of the students. NSS makes the student responsible,
confident and dedicated citizen.
The NSS volunteers are required to participate in regular and special camp activities and work with the community to complete 240 hrs during the first and second year. In the final year degree college students are given 10 incentive marks as per university norms. The NSS unit of our college regularly undertakes socially relevant projects in collaboration with Government and Non-Government Organizations, like BMC, KARMA NGO, International Rotary Club, etc.